Examinations & Licensing
The Council is a statutory body that licenses trade professionals. Traditionally, these were printed certificates given to the individuals who have met certain qualifications and paid their dues. As an ongoing requirement, the licenses were only valid for a certain duration and had to be renewed periodically.
These licenses have monetary value as they are required for certain jobs and have become highly coveted by people working in certain industries. As a result, a market for forgeries has grown over time. If the market is flooded with forgeries, the intrinsic value of these documents will be diluted, and its legitimate members would be in an uproar as their careers would become adversely affected.
Moreover, due to the pandemic, desperate individuals who legitimately possess the license could be forced to sell their licenses due to their difficult economic circumstances. This would allow unqualified third parties to pass-off as a licensed practitioner in the field.
Over the years, they have even tried improving the security of their certificates by different means such as employing holographic seals, invisible watermarks, and even some secret techniques favoured by those who print currencies. This has only served to increase the cost of producing the printed certificates.
The Council could pursue the path of litigation and attempt to take the forgers and cheaters to court. However, this would be a costly strategy in terms of the time it would take to investigate every single case and the monies that would be expended on legal fees. These are resources that it just does not have available.
What The Council needs is a solution to issue secure digital certificates, with an up-to-date publicly available database to verify the validity of the certificate and its holder.
Since it lacks the expertise to do so on its own, the Tauliah system enables The Council to easily issue digital certificates that securely store the participants details along with the expiration date of the license. This protects the license, increases its intrinsic value, and improves the trust in those who possess it.